2008年11月2日 星期日


之前 One thing before another
[+ clause: most typical]
Before I went to work, I fed the cat.
[+ -ing form: formal/written style]
Before going to work, I worte some letters.
[fairly fromal, typical written; used when something has changed its name or state etc,]
The city is noe called Thatcherville. Formerly it was Grabtown.
Prior to
[formal/written style]
I had written to her prior to meeting the committee.
Before that, I ....
It was nice to be in Venice. Previously I'd only been to Rome.
[fairly formal, more informal would be before that, I ....]
Earlier on
[before than fairly informal]
I was in the office from 2.30. I was out earlier on.
Earlier on I was out.

Previously / Before that, I ... / Prior to -> 兩段時間做比較
Earlier on -> 和現在做比較

同時 Things happening at the same time
While I waited, I read the newspaper.
[or, more formal: While waiting,I read ....; the waiting and reading happen together.]
[As describes the background when something happed in the foreground]
[As CANNOT be immediately followed by -ing.]
As I was driving to work, I saw an accident.
just as
[precise moment]
I saw her just as she was turning the corner.
at the very time / the very moment
[those two are stronger and more precise than as or just as]
She was rntering at the very time(the very moment) I was leaving.
[every time]
Whenever I watch sad film, I cry.
[During does not specify how long within a period of time.]
During the war, I lived in Dublin.
[Throughout means from the beginning to the end of a period of time.]
Throughout the war. food was nationed.

之後 One thing after another
After I'd locked up, I went to bed.
[More formal: After locking up;... Do not usually say 'After having locked up...' Having locked up;.... is fine as well]
After that
After that first we went to theatre.
Then / After that we had a meal. He feel ill and was admitted to hospital.
[In those two examples, after that and afterwards are interchangeable.]
He died soon afterwards.
Following 絕對不可接子句,只可接名詞(名詞子句或片語)
[fairly formal]
Following my visit to Beijing I bought several books about China.

連接 Connecting two periods or events
In the meantime 用現在式或未來式
[between now and the meal]
Dinner will be ready in about an hour. In the meantime, relax and have a drink.
Till then 用未來式
The new computers are arriving soon. Till then, we'll have to use the old ones.
Since then 用完成式
I just met him in 1985. Since then I haven't seen him.
By the time 用現在式
By the time I retire, I will have worked here 26 years.
[Don't say: By the time I will retire.....]

何時 Time when
When I'm rich and famous, I'll buy a yacht. 用現在式代替未來式
[Don't say: When I will be rich....]
As soon as
[immediately after] 有強制性,將兩個動作連在一起
As sonn as we're packed we can leave.
[less specific] 有開放性的選擇,在兩個動作之間,可有其他動作
Once we've finished we can go and have a coffee.
the moment / the mimute
The moment(The minute) I saw his face I knew I'd met him before.
the time (that)
I stayed in that hospital the time (that) I broke my leg.
On that occasion
[more formal]
I met Polly at Ken's wedding. On the occasion she was with a different man.
