“...this could damage to human’s health【cause damage to human health】...”
“...this could damage to human’s health【have a negative impact on human health】...”
“...governments can【could】establish a really effective legislation【really effective legislation】...”
“...[In terms of our diet in Taiwan,] I don’t think we have ranges or limits【I think the range of food(s) eaten is not limited in any special way】...”
“...[In terms of our diet in Taiwan,] I don’t think we have ranges or limits【I think the range of food(s) eaten is not peculiar to Taiwan】[because many other countries in South East Asia have a similarly diverse cuisine] ...”
“...[at some restaurants,] the food you order is going to be load with fat【loaded with fat】...”
“...[at some restaurants,] the food you order is going to be load with fat 【is going to have a high fat content】...”
“...[I think Taiwanese people are well informed about what their diet contains, especially] if they have allergic【an allergy.】...”
“...if they have allergic【an allergic reaction to specific ingredients】...”
“...if they have allergic【are allergic.】...”
“... if they have allergic【are allergic to a particular additive】[, such as an artificial colouring] ...”
“...one part of the element【one element in this situation】...”
“...one part of the element【one part of the problem】...”
“...the cooking of styles【the cooking styles】...”
“...[in terms of the increasing popularity of foreign dishes in my country,] people can accept this kind concept 【this kind of food and the concept of importing it from overseas】...”
“...In order to gain more benefit【increase benefits】[in terms of profit and productivity,] numerous farmers are using chemicals ...”
“...using insecticides, which can be very harmful for the human kinds【for humankind】...”
“...in Taiwan, it is difficult for the law to be against.【to prohibit activities like this.】...”
“...they can get more benefits【the benefits would be far greater】...”
“...they can get more benefits【they would benefit more fully】[from this situation] ...”
“...I think the single dish can’t【a single dish cannot】[represent the cuisine of Taiwan] ...”
“...I think the single dish can’t【no single dish can】[represent the cuisine of Taiwan] because it is too different【diverse】...”
“...owing to different group living in this area【owing to the fact that different groups of people live in this area】...”
“...owing to different group living in this area 【owing to the different groups of people living in this area】[, an enormous range of different dishes are cooked] ...”
“...I think foreign food is much healthy【much healthier】[than other food] ...”
“...In my opinion, it’s vitally important for the government to legislate at food labelling【to legislate against inadequate food labelling】...”
“...In my opinion, it’s vitally important for the government to legislate at food labelling【to provide legislation that ensures adequate food labelling】...”
“...if we understand the contains in the food【the contents of the food】...”
“...if we understand the contains in the food【what the food contains】...”
“...Chinese food usually contain【food usually contains】a lot of ingredients; therefore it could be nutritious【a lot of fresh ingredients; therefore it can be nutritious】...”
“...[this highly seasoned food often contains a lot of salt] which could cause a healthy problem【a health problem】...”
“...I think people and the government should be laws【should put in place laws】[to prevent this] ...”
“...I think people and the government should be laws【should create laws】[to prevent this] ...”
“...[we can discuss this situation] from the two aspects【from two points of view】...”
“...the human body will suffering from【will suffer from】[ingesting a lot of synthetic ingredients] ...”
“...this will be severe damage to the earth【this will cause severe damage to the earth】...”
“...this will be severe damage to the earth【this will severely damage the earth】...”
“...people today emphasis on the health【place emphasis on health matters】...”
“...people today emphasis on the health【emphasise health-related issues in their lives】...”